The Plan: An Overview

Our South American Journey

Thank you for your prayers!

Hi everyone,

We leave in less than a week! As many of you know Danielle and I will be serving the Lord and studying the Bible in South America for the next year! We are very excited for this next chapter of our lives, and to see what God has in store for us in South America. We wanted to share our plans and give you this prayer magnet so that our family and friends, brothers and sisters can be a part of our trip, and remember to pray for us.

We are leaving for Lima, Peru on Tuesday, December 3rd and will arrive in Peru late the following night where we will meet Manolo and Holly Matos of CC Lima. He and his wife are housing us for the night, and from there we will bus to Iquique, Chile where we will meet Ricky and Mayra Plazas from CC Kaleo and CCBC Santiago-Chile. We will spend three nights in Iquique, Chile ministering, then fly to Antofagasta, Chile and spend two nights there, then fly to La Serena, Chile spend two nights there, then fly to Santiago where we will spend the majority of our time while in Chile. We also will be attending a family camp for the Calvary Chapels of Chile, and hopefully spend some time visiting the city of Talcahuano. Talcahuano was hit very hard by an 8.8 earthquake and ensuing Tsunami in 2010, and has been a place on our heart to visit for several years. We are so blessed to be able to serve with Ricky and Mayra during this time, and help them with whatever is needed.

On January, 31st  2014 we will fly to Peru and attend Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru-Cajamarca as students for the spring semester. The new campus in Cajamarca is still under construction, and many of the comforts we are used to in America will not be part of our life in Cajamarca. We would ask that you keep us, Pastor John, everyone who is going to be there, and the work at the college in your prayers. There have been many difficulties as John as taken this leap of faith to construct a new Bible College campus with the hope of raising up many Pastors, leaders, and missionaries in South America. We are very excited to help hold up John’s hands in the work, grow in the Word of God, and be part of what God is doing there in Cajamarca and South America.

Our hope is to stay in South America for at least a year and attend at least two semesters of Bible College while waiting on the Lord to see if He would have us stay in South America for a longer period of time or perhaps even permanently. We are very open with our long-term plans as God has only shown us these first steps, and trust that God will reveal His will for our lives as we serve Him and love the people around us.

Also, God has been so faithful to provide for our trip above and beyond what we had planned for, so we are blessed and provided for! Praise the Lord! We just ask that you remember Danielle and I in your prayers, and if possible stay in contact with us from time to time. We are on facebook, but we also have set up this blog so that you can follow along with us, sign up to receive update emails, and get more information.

Thank you again so much for your prayers, your love, and your fellowship!

In Jesus,
Cory and Danielle

“By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.” –Hebrews 11:8

Our First Update: Preparation and Provision

This our first update as we prepare to head to South America, and take a mission trip through the country of Chile before we study at the Calvary Chapel Bible College in Cajamarca-Peru. We are going to try to do regular updates at least once per month, and maybe more so we can let our brothers and sisters in Christ know what we are up to when we are on a different continent together. We hope that you will remember to pray for us, and hope that we can take this journey together with our family back home and in South America.

First, we want to Praise God for providing for us to so amazingly and for setting up our travel plans. We recently were able to purchase our tickets to Lima, Peru and we will be leaving the states December 3rd. We also have travel plans to Chile scheduled and we will be there until January 30th serving alongside Ricky and Mayra Plazas. We are so excited to see them.

The way our travel plans came together was such a God thing. After receiving some wonderful confirmation at a CC workers conference in Mt. Hermon we were able to buy our tickets to Lima and all our tickets in Chile within 2 days. The day we wanted to leave for South America happened to be the cheapest day to travel for the rest of the year. Praise God. WE bought our one-way tickets for under $400 each. Then there was a special on flying throughout the Country of Chile and now instead of bussing the majority of the 5,000+ miles we will be able to fly. We are flying from Iquique-Antofagasta-La Serena-Santiago and then on the way back Santiago-Arica all for less than $250 each! RIcky and Mayra told us they have never seen such a low rate on flights. Danielle and I were very ready to rough it on the busses for the Lord, but He just blessed us and took care of us. We can’t wait to begin, praise the Lord.

We will then head to the Bible College in Peru at the beginning of February to help wherever we can at the campus and start classes. I can’t wait to dig in to the Word of God. It is just such a privelege and a blessing to be able to get away, and be able to make knowing Jesus and studying the Word the primary way we spend our days and time. We were able to talk to John Bonner, the director at CCBC Peru, and they are still constructing the campus while students are being trained in the Lord and God is being glorifed. The campus will not be done when we arrive, and the place we are supposed to live may or may not be finished, but we believe the God is calling, leading, and providing for us to be there so we will be blessed with whatever accomodations God provides for us.

We really hope to be able to be an encouragement and a blessing as we study at the Bible College. Our heart is to give to the school as much as we receive, and lay down our lives and rights in order to be a blessing in the work the Lord is doing at the Bible College. Basically, we hope and pray to be doormats for Jesus, as crazy as that may sound to some.

As for life back home, as many of you know we are staying with Danielle’s family, the Gillmans. They have graciously opened up there homes to us so that we can save money for the mission field and get to spend some time with them before we leave. We are living in a shed outside there house that was previously a play-house and a hide-a-way for the cats here. We gave it a thorough cleaning, and with some help insulated, carpeted, and painted the room so we have a very cozy 7 x13 space to ourselves. Making the trek to the house in the middle of the night can be a bit of an adventure as we have encountered raccoons, skunks, and foxes but we are so blessed as the Lord has provided for us.

Another praise to God has been how he has provided work for me, Cory, throughout the process. As it goes with construction, work became scarce, but I was only without work for one day as a brother at our church put me to work in the local harbor processing urchins. Not only has God provided for me, I now work in an environment where Spanish is the primary language among about 50 employees and I have the freedom to share Jesus with my co-workers as much as I want. Prasie the Lord for His perfect ways! My Spanish has been getting much better, and I have had many conversations about our work in SA, and have been able to share the Lord with many.

Danielle and I have alse been practicing our Spanish with an audio program on CD, as well as through some practice textbooks that we purchased. By the grace of God, we hope to have some foundation in the language before we are in South America because we want to be able to connect with the people we meet in Chile and Peru, and share Jesus with them to our fullest ability. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

So, we have about two months to go, and we are still serving our local church, and ministering in nearby Mendocino as we prepare to Go. We have put in our notices at work, and the reality is beginning to set-in that we are really leaving. We know we are going to Chile and then to Peru for a semester, but after that we are uncertain. It seems God has shown us step one, and is just calling us to be obedient to that before he reveals what is next. That can be trying at times, but we want to be obedient to His call, and we are ready to go out for Him. Hebrews 11:8 really ministered to us in that regard.

Finally, we were so ready to go when we originally planned to leave in August, and we are still ready to go, but we are realizing just how much we love our little town, our church, our families, and how we get to serve the Lord here. It will be so amazing to embark on this journey, and we know it is the Lord, and the joy of the Lord will be our strength, but we are going to miss everyone dearly. You will be in our hearts and prayers.

Praise Reports:

-The price of our plane tickets, and how the Lord set up our plans

-The work God has provided for us as we save for the mission field, and the amazing oppurtunities for the gospel and preparation for what He has in store.

-How our living quarters have come together, and the time spent with family.

-The ministry in Mendocino God has given us as we prepare to go.

-Plus, much more.

Prayer Requests:

-That God would direct us in the work He wants as we minister in several cities in Chile, each with a different situation, and plant a deep love in our hearts for the people in each place we visit.

-That we would have the boldness to preach the Word in truth, and share the gospel with many.

-That Danielle and I would be able to learn the language and communicate with the people of South America.

-That the Lord would speak to us on His will as we are in South America traveling, and that we would have ears to hear Him, and hearts to trust Him.

-That God would provide for the Bible College in Peru, and give us hearts of selfless servants as we join the effort.

– That we would be able to have an intimate time with Jesus during this time, and grow in His grace.

-That our travel would not be hindered and that we would remain healthy and safe.

Thank you so much for joining us on this journey. God bless you all.

In the love of Christ,

Cory and Danielle

By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. -Hebrews 11:8

God be merciful to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us, Selah That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations. -Psalm 67:1,2

Planned Missionary Journey Map

This is our planned missionary journey through Peru and Chile. We hope to serve the Lord in any way He leads, and minister to, and love, each person along the way.

UPDATE: Here are our planned dates of arrival for each city we will be ministering in during our Chile Trip: Iquique: 12/7, Antofagasta: 12/10, La Serena: 12/12, Santiago: 12/14. We will be in Chile from 12/7-1/31. We also hope to visit the city of Talcahuano while we are there. Afterwards, we will travel to Cajamarca, Peru where we will attend CCBC Peru. Thank you for your prayers!                                                This is our missionary journey through Chile and where we will attend Bible College in Peru. We hope to serve the Lord in any way He leads, and minister to, and love, each person along the way. We will be serving alongside Ricardo and Mayra Plazas who direct the Bible college in Santiago, as well as Pastor the local church there while we are in Chile. We are very excited to see what the Lord has in store!



Our Hope for the Mission Field

Our Hope for the Mission Field

                My wife, Danielle, and I hope to travel to South America in December, embark on a missionary journey that will include ministering the gospel to the people of South America, studying at CC Bible College Peru,   and over 6,000 miles of traveling throughout the continent. We hope to be able to stay in South America for a year, with the hope that the Lord will speak to us, and direct us into full-time, permanent ministry. Here is our plan broken into two parts:

Missionary journey through Chile

In December we hope to fly into Lima, Peru and meet up with our close friend, and sister in the Lord, Amanda Picart. We will then travel as a small team to Chile where we will meet with Pastor Ricardo Plazas and his wife Mayra in either Iquique or Antofagasta, Chile. (Ricky and Mayra pastor CC Kaleo in Santiago, as well as direct CC Bible College Chile) From there we will minister to at least six towns with various needs and opportunities. We believe the Lord has already begun to open many doors to share the gospel, make disciples, and love people. In Antofagasta there is a small church forming and meeting on a regular basis, but they are begging and praying for a teacher of God’s Word and we hope to meet that need in any way possible. In the city of La Serena there was formally a church, but their Pastor has left. Now a small remnant remains, and although hurt, they are still interested in knowing Jesus. We would love to help with the healing there. Another city, Talcahuano, was hit severely with an earthquake and Tsunami in 2010, and they are still recovering. The Lord has opened the door for ministry in the past, but there is currently no one regularly available to teach them God’s Word and lead them to Jesus, so we plan to visit these people and Lord willing, do just that.

We are very excited about the prospect of this trip as we see the preparations come together. Please remember to pray for us as we will be traveling over 6,000 miles mostly by bus. We do have places to stay throughout the trip, and are extremely blessed to be ministering alongside Ricky and Mayra Plazas. They are close friends, and even more so, dear family in Christ. We hope to be in Chile for 4-6 weeks.

Bible College in Peru

Upon our return to Peru we hope to travel into the Andes Mountain to the town of Cajamarca where we will study the Bible at Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru with director John Bonner. Amanda will be heading up the worship ministry there this coming school year, and we hope to grow in God’s Word, and in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ. We also will be ministering with the Bible college to the local residents, as well as going on different mission trips. The Bible college’s vision is to grow students in their relationship to the Lord Jesus and His Word, and to raise up pastors, leaders and missionaries. We are very excited about the opportunity to serve and study in Cajamarca.

Long-term Vision

As we travel and serve in South America, Danielle and I will be praying and waiting for the Lord to speak to us in regard to what He might have us do for His work. We hope to be open to the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit, and fully surrendered to the Will of God. We covet your prayers as we embark on this adventure, and we know we cannot do this alone. Thank you all for your help and prayers. Praise Jesus for his faithfulness and all-sufficiency.

In Christ,

Cory and Danielle Kilgus

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? For we are not, as so many,peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ.”

2 Corinthians 2:14-17