Prayer Request: Chilete Soccer Outreach

Hi everyone,

Well, we are about a month into our freshly planted church in Chilete, Peru and we have experienced many difficulties, but many more blessings. Danielle, myself, and a group of faithful servants have been making the 2-3 hour journey each way every weekend, and our ministry has been mostly kids. We have memory verses, Bible songs, Bible studies, and different activities with them every sunday service, and little by little the Lord has been opening up doors for us to minister to the adults of Chilete. We are the only gringos in town, so I think it will take some time for them to trust us and know what we are doing, but we hope to gain that trust through love, service, and the teaching of the Word of God.

Chilete Kids Church Chilete Kids 2

Today, we are very excited to welcome a group of 19 from CC Silverdale (Bremerton, WA) that will be helping build at the Bible College, and 8 of them will be traveling to Chilete with us to help us put on our coming soccer tournament outreach this weekend.

Chilte Campeonato Poster Final

We have invited all the kids and young adults of Chilete to join in, and the Lord opened a door for us to come to the local school and hand out invitations to every kids in school. As we have gotten very close with a lot of the kids they were very excited to see us at school, and we stopped P.E. class for a little while, but it was a lot of fun.

We plan on having a tournament for both the kids and teenagers along with face painting for the little kids, some refreshments, and a time of evangelism with dramas, testimonies and worship. The Lord has been so faithful to provide help as we have people from the US, Lima, and many from the Bible College coming to serve alongside of us and help us. The Lord knows we could not have done this on our own, and He truly has been the Lord who provides throughout our whole ministry in Chilete.

Prayer Request:

If you would please keep the outreach in prayer that would be greatly appreciated. We are hoping the Lord will use our little effort to touch the hearts of many in Chilete with His love and His gospel.

The people of Chilete have had no Christian church and they are bound by much alcoholism, but we are praying that Jesus will transform many lives, and Lord willing this weekend will be a great way to reach out the people of Chilete.

Please also keep the traveling to and from Chilete in your prayers as over 20 of us will be making the trip through the Andes mountains in Peruvian combis or little busses.

Also, please keep the whole group in prayer that we would have attitudes of love, service, and sacrifice so that our actions would speak louder than our words, and we would really demonstrate the love of Christ to the people in Chilete.

Thank you so much for your prayers, and I wan’t to close by sharing a little story from last weekend.

As we were leaving one of the little girls of Chilete, I think her name was Alvina, asked one of our helpers, Sue, if she was leaving.

Sue responded, yes we are leaving. We live in Cajamarca.

Alvina responded by asking if there were people in Cajamarca that needed us?

Sue responded, yes. We have a lot to do in Cajamarca also.

Alvina asked, Are you coming back?

Sue said, yes. We will back soon.

Alvina then said, good because we really need you too…

I think Sue almost broke down crying right there on the spot. We know these kids and these people truly need Jesus, and we are so blessed the Lord has asked us to go to Chilete and share His Word and show His love to these people because Alvina was right. They need it… and so do we.