CCBC Peru Construction Update

Hi everyone,

This is a project update Director John Bonner put together a couple weeks ago. By the grace of God we are making more and more progress here everyday. Here is is:


Danielle and I are so excited that CC Fort Bragg and CC Ukiah are joining up to come help us in February, and several other groups are planning to come helps as well. Please keep us in prayer. Thank you!

Construction Mission Team

Hi everyone,

We are very excited that our home church, Calvary Chapel Fort Bragg, is planning a trip to Peru to come help with the construction at the Bible College, and the work in Chilete. I also heard CC Ukiah might join the team as well, so we are praying! There is much to do here in Peru, and teams with a heart to serve are a huge help.

Here is a video showing some of the projects they might help us with at the Bible College:

The team is also planning to spend a weekend in Chilete helping us with our recent church plant. If you haven’t seen what the Lord is doing there have a look here:

La Cosecha Update Video – Summer 2014

It would be such a blessing for Danielle and I, as well as the Bible College, to see some friendly faces and have some extra hands in the work. Please keep the trip and team in prayer. Thank you!!

Oh, and if you are interested in visiting us in Peru and lending a hand we would love to have you!

With love,

Cory and Danielle

Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me, as also the king’s words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, “Let us rise up and build.” So they strengthened their hands for this good work. – Nehemiah 2:18

Update and Exciting News

Hi everyone,

It has been a little while since we wrote something for an update, but we are very blessed here in Peru and we are getting more and more accustomed to life in Peru. Danielle and I are in our own little apartment now, and continuing with classes, construction, and Chilete.The construction project and classes are continuing on day by day. Right now we have Doug Bennett teaching a creationism class and it is amazing. He is a scientist and geologist who is currently working on creating a creation museum in the Pacific Northwest.

Doug Bennet 1Manolo Excavation

You can visit there site here:

Danielle and I are closing in on our 1 year anniversary in South America! Amazing how time flies. I am almost done with my third semester as a student, and am looking forward to my final semester as well as teaching the book of Nehemiah at the Bible College. Your prayers are appreciated!




We are also continuing the ministry and church plant in Chilete. We travel about 3 hours each way every sunday to have service and sunday school. A week ago we had an outreach movie night, followed by Sunday service and our first baptism.



We arrived in Chilete around midday and after a time of prayer, we went into the city inviting people to the movie and sharing the gospel. We had an amazing group of about 15 people, and the people of Chilete were very open to the gospel message. Please pray the seeds planted would bear fruit. Later that night we showed the movie “Dios No Esta Muerto” and had a good turn out from the town, and many people coming by with curiosity. After the movie, we were able to share God’s message of salvation and pray for the people. God was glorified!

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The next day we set up for service, and after working out all the details we walked about 20 minutes to the near by river in Chilete. It turned out the only person who would get baptized was our brother, David, from the Bible College, but we celebrated what the Lord has done is his heart and had a great time as a family. Thank you for all your prayers for Chilete!!

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Oh, one more thing… We are having a baby!!! Danielle and I went to the doctor with Bonner’s last weekend, and received the wonderful news that we have a healthy 8-week old baby on the way! We got to hear the little heart beat, and could not be more thankful or happy! Danielle and I have been praying and waiting for a long time, and we are so excited the time has finally come to add a little baby to our family. Please pray for Danielle and the baby’s health, for the right doctors (we are having the baby here in Peru, and think we have a good doctor), for citizenship in both countries, and for the Lord’s provision in it all. Thank you!

First Photo Baby Kilgus


Thank you again for all your prayers and support. Life is not always easy on the mission field, but we are always blessed. Right now our plan is to have the baby here in Peru and then return in the summer of 2015, and prepare to move to Chilete full-time a couple months after. We love you and miss you all, and are praying for you as well.

“For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. Therefore I also have lent him to theLord; as long as he lives he shall be lent to the Lord. So they worshiped the Lord there.” – 1 Samuel 1:27,28

P.S. We have had some people ask how they could help, and obviously with a growing family and ministry, the costs are also growing. We have seen the Lord provide every step of the way, and are confident He will continue to do that. If the Lord puts it on your heart to join the mission by helping financially we have created a support page that you can link to from the front page or visit here:

Thank you so much, and may God bless you!